Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Selvfølgelig! Her er nogle ofte stillede spørgsmål og deres svar:

Q: Hvad er din returpolitik? A: Vi tilbyder en 14-dages returret for alle vores produkter. Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med dit køb, skal du blot kontakte os, så giver vi instruktioner om, hvordan du returnerer din vare for at få refunderet eller byttet.

Q: Hvor lang tid tager forsendelsen? A: Forsendelsestiderne varierer afhængigt af din placering og den forsendelsesmetode, du vælger ved kassen. Generelt tager det 3-5 hverdage for ordrer inden for USA at ankomme, mens internationale ordrer kan tage op til 2-3 uger.

Q: Tilbyder du gratis fragt? A: Vi tilbyder gratis forsendelse på ordrer over $50 i USA. Internationale forsendelsespriser varierer afhængigt af din placering og vægten af ​​din ordre.

Q: Hvilke betalingsmetoder accepterer du? A: Vi accepterer alle større kreditkort, PayPal og Apple Pay.

Q: Tilbyder du engrospriser? A: Ja, vi tilbyder engrospriser for bulkordrer. Kontakt os venligst for mere information.

Q: Hvordan kan jeg spore min ordre? A: Når din ordre er afsendt, vil du modtage et sporingsnummer via e-mail. Du kan bruge dette nummer til at spore din pakke på vores hjemmeside eller på transportørens hjemmeside.

Q: Kan jeg annullere eller ændre min ordre? A: Hvis din ordre endnu ikke er afsendt, kan du muligvis annullere eller foretage ændringer i din ordre. Kontakt os venligst hurtigst muligt for at foretage ændringer.

Q: Tilbyder du gavekort? A: Ja, vi tilbyder gavekort i forskellige pålydende værdier. Du kan købe et gavekort på vores hjemmeside, og det vil blive leveret via e-mail.

Q: Hvordan kan jeg kontakte kundesupport? A: Du kan kontakte os via e-mail på support@starlightstrap.com eller via vores kontaktformular på vores hjemmeside. Vi bestræber os på at besvare alle henvendelser inden for 24 timer.


Seaside Striders FlipFlops are cherished by people across the globe who seek comfort, style, and a deeper connection with their journey through life's paths. We are incredibly honored to spread joy and comfort with our carefully designed flip-flops. Crafted for those who value the blend of relaxation and adventure, our flip-flops are more than just footwear—they are a step towards embracing a laid-back lifestyle, enhancing your connection with nature, and experiencing unmatched comfort in every stride. A heartfelt thank you to our affiliates for sharing our passion and our exceptional range of flip-flops with your community. Together, we're walking towards a brighter, more relaxed world.

Step 1: Sign up To create your affiliate account, paste this link below in your web browser: 


Step 2: You will automatically receive an email welcoming you to our affiliate program with a link to log into your dashboard.

Step 3: Your affiliate link will be approved approx. 48 hours after
submitting your application (we don't work weekends or public holidays).

Step 4: Once the link has been approved and you log into your dashboard, you will be able to see your affiliate link.

How does our affiliate link work?

Share your affiliate link and receive 30% of purchases made by customers using your link/discount code.

How does the affiliate code work?

When your code gets used at the checkout, the customer receives 10% off and you receive 30% commission. 

What happens if I share my link and my discount code?

If you share your affiliate link and your code, you will receive 30% commission and the person using it receives 10% off at the checkout. You won't double up your commissions!

NOTE: Please be aware that if the customer doesn't use the link or the discount code at the checkout, we are unable to track those orders. All codes need to be entered at the checkout as we are unable to apply discount codes once a sale has been made.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact chillsupport@flipflopchill.com and she will assist your queries within 24 hours.

We are SO excited to have you on our affiliate team and we are so pumped to share the abundance with you and your community.


FlipFlopsChill Team